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Magic Paw Balm – The Ultimate Test

It is also a time to strengthen our relationship with nature, to give back, and to think of ways we can work to better support the Earth for future generations.

That’s why at WildWash we are constantly concerned about our environment and trying to combat the pollution as much as possible.

Earth Day – How WildWash Encourages a Sustainable Lifestyle

It is also a time to strengthen our relationship with nature, to give back, and to think of ways we can work to better support the Earth for future generations.

That’s why at WildWash we are constantly concerned about our environment and trying to combat the pollution as much as possible.

Health Benefits of Grooming Your Pet

If you can’t remember the last time your dog got a bath or cat got a brushing, then your pet is overdue. Whether you do it yourself or take your pet to a professional, here’s how regular pet grooming keeps your best friend healthy, from head to tail.

Avoid These Toxic Foods for Dogs

When it comes to leftover food, dogs will often dive straight in without a second thought – but what human foods are safe for dogs to eat and which fruit, vegetables and sweet treats are dangerous or toxic for our dogs?
Making sure your dog has a healthy and balanced diet, combined with the appropriate amount of exercise for their breed, is really important. It helps them maintain strong bones, healthy digestive systems and happy hearts.

How To Take Care of Your New Puppy

new puppy

Are you planning to entertain your home with a best new buddy that you always desired? Getting a new puppy is one of the most wonderful moments in your life (it can be as magnificent as a newborn baby), but you should know that taking care of it comes with some responsibilities that you shouldn’t neglect if you want to keep him faithful and entertaining!

How to Make Your Dog Walk More Fun

We all know that we’re supposed to take our dogs out for a walk once a day, yet studies show that approximately 30% of us don’t for various reasons… so why don’t you make your dog walk more fun and enjoyable?

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