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Your Best Friend for Dog Paws in Hot Weather

Magic Paws Balm 20%

Especially on warm days, like we’re all experiencing right now, pavements can become an enemy for your dog paws in hot weather because they can become hot enough to cause pain, discomfort and even burn your best friend’s pads. Although you may think your dog’s paw pads are quite tough, it’s important to remember that they are still made of skin and can be just as sensitive as the bottom of your feet. That’s why we prepared a special treat for your fluffy friend’s paws: The WildWash Magic Paw Balm for Dogs:

Dog Paws in Hot Weather

And don’t forget to use our exclusive 20% off Discount Code at checkout:


WildWash Magic Paw Balm for Dogs with Sweet Almond Oil, Frankincense and Kanuka is a super conditioning paw treatment that will moisturise your dogs’ cracked, dry and rough paws and help form a barrier to protect them from everyday wear and tear. It is great for use in extreme weather conditions and affords protection especially against hot pavements.

This wonder product can also be used to moisturise nails, dry noses and condition calloused elbows and dry patches. WildWash Magic Paw Balm contains natural human grade ingredients and is completely safe for your pet to lick.

WildWash Magic Paw Balm has been hand blended with carefully chosen ingredients to help give comfort to your dogs’ paws and your hands too!

It contains Sweet Almond Oil, which is extremely rich in Vitamin E, a perfect moisturiser which is easily absorbed into your pets’ pads, Frankincense a well-known skin tonic and Kanuka, which was originally used by the Maori people of New Zealand to help with skin health.

This balm is also safe for cats and humans too.

Yes, you heard right, humans can use it too! If you don’t believe us, read Amy and Ozzy’s story with our WildWash Magic Paw Balm here: MAGIC PAW BALM THE ULTIMATE TEST


Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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