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WildWash Proudly Supports Korean Animal Welfare Association

WildWash aids Korean Animal Welfare Association

Our Korean Distributors “And For Pets” have donated our WildWash shampoos to The Korean Animal Welfare Association (KAWA) to help their abandoned dogs in the centre. As you can imagine this charity does amazing work throughout Korea and we are very happy to help in any way we can.

KAWA is a non profit group designed to support and promote animal rights. Founded in 2000 and government registered in 2003, KAWA works to reduce suffering, and to create social changes for all animals including companion animals, farm animals, animals in laboratories, and wild life. We work closely with the public, media, corporations and other non profit organizations and government officials to raise awareness of the ethical issues surrounding the treatment of animals. Various methods include utilizing public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, protest campaigns and political lobbying. We also run a no-kill shelter, which provides homes to rescued animals in Seoul.

We feel that their work is very important and if you would like more information please visit their Facebook Page:

Korean pet rescue non-profit organization
(click on image for full view)

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