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WildWash Keeps Your Dog Cleaner Longer

foodgrade pet food

Our favourite testimonial this month came from Lucy Foss at The Grooming Shed.

“I was using Wildwash on a customer of mine a Golden Labrador that comes every 5 weeks for a bath and undercoat removal.

On this occasion I decided to try some different shampoo for a different smell, after only 3 weeks the customer contacted me and asked if next time I could use the shampoo I usually use because he had become greasy and not very clean.  I have used Wildwash every time since.”

We were very happy to receive this. At WildWash we are committed to 100% natural ingredients that work well with your pets skin and coat. Every pet can look and smell good after a wash, but the important test is to see how the skin and coat perform after, a few days or a few weeks. We have had a professional grooming salon for over 15 years now and have seen how numerous shampoos perform over the years. The research we put into our own brand of shampoo has been immense and stretched over years and years. We are so pleased with the finished product range and love hearing your stories and comments. Please keep sending them in.

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