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WildWash Giveaway

WW Giveaway 2016 Summer Contest

This month we have partnered with Forthglade to giveaway a Fragrance No.3 Gift set and three months worth of Forthglade delicious grain free food!!!

foodgrade pet food

Forthglade are a British company like us that make all their products in the UK. They are based in Devon and believe in natural ingredients. We love their new Natural Lifestage Grain Free range and it is so gentle that it is recommended for dogs with sensitive tummies. We’ve tried it out with Pepper and she is hooked, she especially likes the duck with sweet potato recipe!

So, as well as winning 3 months worth of 100% natural grain free food you can also win a Fragrance No.3 Shampoo, Fragrance No.3 Perfume, Fragrance No.3 Candle and a Healing Paw Balm. It’s a beautiful gift that comes with a gorgeous limited edition gift bag. Our Fragrance No.3 range has lots of natural flea repellants in it, so it is the perfect shampoo for the summer months ahead.

WildWash Frag No.3 Candle Gift set

WildWash Giveaway contest for Fragrance No. 3 pet care line

To enter the competition follow this link:


We will keep our paws crossed for you!!!

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