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Why is it important to brush your dog’s coat?


Often when we think of our dog’s coat it’s when we’ve found fur stuck to our favourite jumper, or we’re considering what style to ask for at the groomer’s. But it isn’t all about aesthetic choices for our pooch pals: brushing your dog’s coat also has health benefits; and it could improve your relationship too.

So, here are our top five reasons to regularly brush your dog’s coat, regardless of their breed:

     1. It helps to reduce their heart-rate

That’s right, stroking your dog has been proven to reduce their heart-rate and keep them calm!

Sitting your dog down and taking the time to brush them from head to toe is a great way to take advantage of the science and get them feeling calm and happy.

     2. It can be a bonding time

If your dog enjoys, or at least tolerates, brushing, then the time you spend can be a great bonding time. The routine of it can be soothing to both you and your dog and a way for you to de-stress after a rough day.

     3. It helps to prevent painful mats

If you’ve ever had somebody pull your hair, you know how painful it can be. Now imagine that same sharp sensation over your entire body and you’ll have an idea of how miserable a matted dog must be. Not only are mats painful, but they can hide and even cause skin problems like wounds and infections. Nothing says “I neglect my dog” more than hair that needs to be shaved off in one piece.

     4. Brushing allows you to spot anything unusual, such as bumps or parasites

Brushing your dog regularly helps you get to know how your dog’s skin usually looks so that you can notice anything different. Some bumps are harmless, but if you spot one that isn’t, early detection can mean the difference between life and death.

     5. It reduces shedding & improves coat quality

Brushing your dog strips out the dead hairs in their coat and reduces the amount of fur that ends up in your carpet or stuck to the sofa. It also helps to spread natural oils evenly throughout their coat, keeping it soft and shiny!

     How to brush my long-haired dog?

Our master groomer, Katie Rourke Dowding explains how to brush a dog with long hair at home using only a Slicker Brush, Double Sided Comb and scissors.

How to brush my short-haired dog?

Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see more tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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