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Use Our Chemical Free Bug Repellents This Summer – They Work!


Our award winning Flea and Bug Spray for dogs and horses and our Anti Flea Shampoo for dogs are a must for this summer. We now sell them all over the world to help repel bugs the natural way.

We have had lots of testimonials coming in from our customers and the results have been very positive.


Vickie Weston – Horse Owner

I have been using the Flea and Bug Spray this weekend. Horses smelt wonderful and no flies or midges, yay!

We have also had a lovely review from Geraldine Cove-Print for Dog World.

“So did the shampoo work? If you are used to masses of suds to make you think the product is working you are going to be disappointed that there is minimum froth, but that’s a good thing! That means the freaky chemicals that beguile us in other everyday products are not included; don’t worry, this shampoo does cleanse and condition and the aroma is gorgeous. I walk my pack through heathland and forestry and this time of year it is a pleasure ground for fleas and ticks looking for a walking buffet, what can I say? We remain flea free and ticks R not Us. It may be that the combination of the shampoo and the Flea and Bug Repellent available as a spray is the most effective because I did use both products for well over six weeks. Now you might be forgiven in thinking the spray and shampoo have identical ingredients, not so, Wildwash has come up with a powerful concoction using the ancient ‘living fossil’ of horsetail which has light defusing properties to brighten the coat along with nettle that has a reputation when used externally to clear dandruff and clear oily hair as well as helping the hair shaft to become smooth to better reflect the light, so no scurf and shiny too.”


For the full article see the link below:

Dog World WildWash Anti-Flea Product Review








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