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Try These Fun Exercises With Your Dog for National Pet Month

Try These Fun Exercises With Your Dog for National Pet Month

National Pet Month is here, so why not show appreciation for your pup by taking them out for some unique and amusing exercises to get their muscles moving and their tails wagging. 

It is estimated that 1 in 3 dogs are overweight, so it’s important that we make sure our four-legged friends are getting the exercise they need for a healthy and happy life.

Walking your dog provides a great workout and helps socialise your dog, but there are plenty of unusual sports that you can participate in with your pooch to change things up. 

Taking your dog for a swim to show off their doggie paddle skills, for example, is a fun way to get your dog playing outdoors. 

Have you ever tried canine freestyle? This activity combines a mixture of obedience training, tricks and dance, allowing for a fun and lively interaction between you and your dog.

Even indoor activities like playing tug-of-war can count towards your pups daily fitness.

If you have any doubts about how much exercise your dog needs and which workouts are right for them, always consult a vet or dog care specialist.

And be sure to check out Sainsbury’s Bank guide for creative outdoor and indoor exercises to try with your dog.

Dog exercise Infographic from Sainsburys Bank

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