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The Quickest Way to Dry Your Dog


The quickest way to dry your dog? If you have washed your dog with WildWash Shampoo their coat will dry quicker than with a regular shampoo. This is because WildWash Shampoos do not contain sulphates. Sulphates create a lot of foam and bubbles and this is hard to wash out of the coat. It leaves residue in the coat and makes the drying time much longer. WildWash Shampoos have a low natural lather and rinses out the coat easily and quickly, leaving no residue and the coat will dry much quicker.

Dogs can shake up to 70% of water from their coats by themselves. That means it’s 70% less work for you to do later if you leave your dog to it. However, dogs won’t just shake on command, so you’ll need to be patient and wait for them to do it. 

a dog shaking - the quickest way to dry your dog

If it’s raining outside, then shaking the water off is only a temporary measure so try and encourage them to do it just before you get into the house at very latest to avoid a muddy disaster.

Pre dry them before you get home

After they’ve had a shake it’s time to pre-dry your dog. If you take a backpack out with you with a clean towel, then towel drying before they get into the house can cut the effort and time spent drying their coat drastically. If you’ve driven to and from the location, then you can easily put a towel in the boot and dry them before they get into the car.

Now that you’re home it’s time to dry your dog off properly:

1. Start at the Beginning

The beginning means preparation: you need to select the right towel for dogs.

We recommend a microfibre towel, as they can absorb a lot of water and won’t drip on your floors. Absorption is the main factor when it comes to drying dogs after a bath, because regular “human” towels will not work for many breeds (or you’ll need far, far more towels). Our new WildWash Microfibre Pet Towel is perfect for use after wet walks or bath time, the large size (140 x 70cm) makes it easy to wrap your pet keeping them warm and getting them dry quicker.

microfibre towel - the quickest way to dry your dog

WildWash Microfibre Pet Towel


2. Front to Back, Top to Bottom

When towel drying your dog, you want to start strictly with the dog’s head and work your way toward the dog’s back end. Don’t mess about.

You should also work from top to bottom, meaning you should start drying your dog’s back and work your way down toward your dog’s belly and then legs.

3. Don’t Forget Other Parts

You should get any water into your dog’s ears, but some of it can get onto the surface. So, be sure you dry over and slightly inside your dog’s ears, because water in dog’s ears can lead to ear infections.

You must also dry each paw. A lot of water accumulates underneath your pet’s paws as they’re standing in the bath tub. If you don’t dry the dog’s paws, you’ll have wet paw tracks all through your home.

Note: If you have a large breed dog, especially one with a thick or double coat, you may need more than one towel. When the first becomes saturated, you’ll need to switch to another towel or your efforts will be in vain. Towels can only hold so much water.

READ NEXT: What To Do If Your Dog Runs Away or Gets Lost?

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