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The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet


Both pet theft and runaway pets are on the rise. Unfortunately, many of them are never reunited with their keepers, so it’s vital that pet keepers take steps to protect your furry family. However by microchipping your pet, it greatly increases the chances of returning your pet to you should they ever get separated from you.  

A microchip is a tiny electronic device, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted under a pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The microchip contains a unique identification number that can be read using a scanner. This identification number is linked to the keeper’s contact information on a microchip database, such as identibase, which allows vets, rescues, animal shelters, police, and dog wardens to quickly and effortlessly contact the keeper if the pet is found.


Why microchipping is essential for pets and their keepers

      1. It helps reunite lost pets with their keepers:

One of the most significant benefits of microchipping is that it dramatically increases the chances of a lost pet being reunited with its keeper. In fact, the UK Chief Vet has said that pets with microchips are more than twice as likely to be returned to their keepers than those without.


      2. It provides permanent identification:

Collars and tags can fall off or be removed, but a microchip provides permanent identification for your pet. Even if your pet loses its collar, its microchip will remain.


      3. It’s safe and easy:

Microchipping is a safe and relatively painless procedure that a veterinarian can do quickly and easily. Once the microchip is implanted, it requires no maintenance and will last for the life of your pet.


      4. It’s required by law:

Currently in England, Scotland and Wales, all dogs must be microchipped by the time they are 8 weeks old. What’s more, it has been announced that cats will now be covered under the same laws that govern dogs, with failure to comply leading to a £500 fine. This will become law for cats will take effect on June 10th 2024.


      5. It can save your pet’s life:

In some cases, microchipping can even save your pet’s life. If your pet is lost and taken to the pound, the shelter will be able to quickly identify your pet and contact you. This can be especially important if your pet has a medical condition that requires special care or medication.


      6. A microchip is only as good as the data stored on it

If your pet already has a microchip, you must also ensure that your contact details are up-to-date. We suggest checking your pet’s microchip every few months to ensure your details are correct. You can also ask your vet to check the microchip details whenever your pet goes for a visit. If your pet is already microchipped, click here to check which database your pet is held with and ensure that your details are up to date.


      7. Secure added peace of mind

Protecting your pet does not stop with just a microchip. identibase offers a range of pet protection services to give you peace of mind and ensure your pet is as safe as possible. identibase’s identialert service has been instrumental in reunifying thousands of pets with their keepers. Click here to find out more about the most trusted name in pet protection!

If you haven’t already done so, consider microchipping your pet today – it could be one of the most important things you ever do for your furry friend. Click here to find out more about microchipping and registering them with identibase.

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