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Pepper’s Puppies


We are so excited to report that Pepper has had her puppies!

Just to fill you in on what you have missed up till now! Pepper was mated with the wonderful Loki, a very handsome French Bulldog owned by

over 63 days ago and we were lucky enough to be expecting 4 puppies. French Bulldogs are renowned for not being able to give birth naturally (big head, small body!), so she was booked in for a C section on day 62. I bought a fabulous whelping box from . Diane from Warwick was so incredibly knowledgeable and helpful and we went with the delux version with a separate pen (not cheap but Pepper needed the best!) So, I thought I was set.

But no! Pepper decided to go into labour on the evening of day 59. Completely unexpected and our emergency vets thought when I called them at 4am in the morning in a panic, that we would be better to wait until she was actively pushing before we brought her in. So, we waited.

I was still waiting at 8am in the morning when it was time to take my kids to school. We decided my husband should take the kids to school and I stayed with Pepper, at which point she started pushing. I found myself carless and You Tubing French Bulldogs giving birth!

It all looked quite straight forward, so I stopped panicking. Then the first pup got stick, so I started panicking all over again! Luckily my hubby was soon home and we popped her in the car and started driving to the vets. I was very worried we’d lose the pup if I didn’t do something, so I gently tried to help ease the pup out and low and behold, I delivered the first pup in the car, just as we arrived at the vets. She then went on to deliver not 3, but 5 more all naturally. She did absolutely everything she was meant to do and has been the most amazing mother ever since. She had 3 boys; Dude, Punk and Messi and 3 girls; Belle, Blue and Popcorn. Pics below. They really are beauties, we love them all and they all have their own personalities already. Please let me know if you are interested in purchasing a pup and I will let you which ones are available (at the moment my children and husband are convinced they are keeping them all!). In the meantime, we’ll just keep cuddling them!

I have definitely learnt a lot about puppies and whelping and will put together some notes and advice once we are a bit further along the way. Watch this space!



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