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Our Promise – No Animal Testing

WildWash Does NOT Do Animal Testing

At WildWash we love animals. The whole reason for designing this range of products was because of our love for animals and because we believe they deserve the best care we can give them. Therefore, we made a range of natural and kind products to help enhance and protect their skin and coats. It goes without saying that we do not test our products on animals, but the WildWash promise goes further than that. The ingredients we use are at no point before we use them tested on animals either.

WildWash is made at a boutique apothecary in Somerset in the UK and we are the only pet product made there. The apothecary makes very high end human care products and therefore WildWash sticks to the same regulations as human products. These are a lot more strict than the regulations for making pet products in the UK. As a result of this the EU regulation we follow has a ban on testing ingredients for cosmetics purposes in Europe. This has been in force since 2009 and this includes any ingredients imported from outside the EU.

So rest assured when we say no animal testing this means absolutely no animal testing at any point whatsoever.

For more info on the regulations we adhere to, visit:

WildWash Does NOT Do Animal Testing

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