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Lollie’s Story – A Wonderful Testimonial

Lollie's WildWash Testimonial

At WildWash we love getting your testimonials. We all read every one as it makes us very very happy!!!!!

This one from Lisa a professional groomer in Grimsby made us all smile:

“I received my order on Friday. I have a blue doodle called Lollie. She is a little itchy so I went for the Shampoo for Itchy/Dry Coats. I also have a lot of dogs that I groom with sensitive skin so the Sensitive Shampoo will be perfect.

I’ve just read your information sheets for the first time and I must say, they have changed the way I look at grooming shampoos etc. I’m converted. Lollie is a scruffy tart and went out with the ball thrower today so was green and muddy! I bathed her today in itchy and dry and there were several things that came to mind……

•I usually dilute but think the shampoo needs to be stronger – I didn’t

•When I bath dogs, the scent doesn’t last. I need perfume -I didn’t

•Lollie has a thick wooly coat and takes a while to dry – she didn’t

•My doodle stains green, brown and many other colours and takes at least two washes to get clean – she didn’t

The last thing, I looked at the ingredients in the shampoo, lavender, manuka leaf and aloe Vera and just couldn’t place the smell I could smell but after reading your info sheet I realised that there are more oils in it …… Patchouli!!!!

Thank you so much

Love Lisa and lollie”

If you are based in the Grimsby area please contact Lisa at to arrange an appointment.

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