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How White Can Your Get Your Whites!!!!

washed in our whitening WildWash Shampoo

Before of Georgia's pony used WildWash ShampooAfter of Georgia's pony used WildWash Shampoowashed in our whitening WildWash Shampoo

Our WildWash Horse Whitening Shampoo has been going down very well with horse owners all over the country. This is the right time of year to truly test out our whitening shampoo for our mud loving horses!!!

Our Whitening Shampoo for Grey, Palomino and White Coats uses a blue pigment derived from the Chamomile Flower combined with Lavender and Ylang Ylang. This is a definite first and there is not another product on the market that has a natural blue shampoo for horses. This has enabled us to create an incredible natural whitener that will remove even the worst stains from the coat, mane and tail and leave the coat shiny white.

Below are some lovely testimonial pics…. What absolutely gorgeous horses!!!

Please keep sending in your photos, we absolutely love them.

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