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How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather

Why do dogs overheat?

When we humans feel ourselves begin to heat up, we can easily do something about it. We can open doors and windows, wear more comfortable clothes, fix ourselves a cold drink or move to a cooler area. Sadly, dogs don’t have that luxury.

We can also cool ourselves down by sweating, but dogs’ bodies don’t work this way. Dogs cool themselves down by panting, but when they’re stuck in an enclosed area with limited air, panting isn’t always enough to help them return to a safe and comfortable temperature.

Luckily for dogs, they have loving and responsible owners to take care of them. Let’s take a closer look at how to keep your dog cool on roasting hot summer days. 


      1. Try some frozen treats

Summertime, and the livin’ is…hot. And sweaty. And all we really want is something icy to cool us down, like some frozen watermelon winner treats for dogs.

Thankfully, watermelon is one of those tasty fruits that dogs can benefit from and enjoy. Watermelon is 92% water, so these treats are a delicious way to ensure your pup stays hydrated in between fetch sessions! These are super low in calories and are rich in vitamins C, B6, and A, they are a perfect warm-weather alternative to store-bought treats. 

You can find our recipe just HERE!

Avoid feeding your dog processed human snacks such as ice lollies. These can be calorific, or even poisonous if they contain a sugar substitute such as xylitol. 

You can also treat your dog to some fruit! Just make sure you double-check which fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs. Some fruits, such as grapes, are highly poisonous and should be kept for humans only. 


      2. Protect Your Dog’s Paws

Remember that pavements can get very hot and may burn your pets’ paws. This clever seven-second trick will help you to know whether the pavement is too hot to walk your dog.

If that’s the case, we recommend to use our WildWash Magic Paw Balm before leaving the house!

Our WildWash Magic Paw Balm for Dogs with Sweet Almond Oil, Frankincense and Kanuka is a super conditioning paw treatment that will moisturise your dogs’ cracked, dry and rough paws and help form a barrier to protect them from everyday wear and tear. It is great for use in extreme weather conditions and affords protection against; hot pavements, road grit, ice and salt. This wonder product can also be used to moisturise nails, dry noses and condition calloused elbows and dry patches. WildWash Magic Paw Balm contains natural human grade ingredients and is completely safe for your pet to lick. This balm is also safe for cats too!


      3. Never leave a dog trapped in a hot car

Every year there are devastating reports in the media about dogs left in hot cars suffering and, in some cases, incidents can be fatal.

According to PDSA, even with a window cracked open, cars can heat up to dangerously high temperatures at rapid speed.

Pet owners have a responsibility for the welfare of their animals, and this should include having a plan so that your dog does not need to be left alone in a car or other enclosed space.

      4. Stick to the shade

Does your dog love to spend time in the garden? Make sure they have a shady spot to lounge in. Trees and shrubs create natural shade but you can also hang a tarpaulin or put up a gazebo to give your dog somewhere cool to mooch about.


      5. Leave a bowl of water out for your dog to drink from

It’s common sense but you should check your dog’s water bowl regularly and fill it up whenever it’s low. If you take your dog for a long walk, please remember to pack water and a bowl to ensure he doesn’t overheat and suffer dehydration.

Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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