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How to Keep Those Puppy Eyes Happy

keep those puppy eyes happy

Let’s face it: Dogs often behave in ways that leave us wondering what’s going on in their minds. By getting more acquainted with our canine companions and seeing the “world through their eyes,” we can gain a deeper understanding of their perceptions.

Imagine looking down at your dog and being met with big, irresistible, heart-melting eyes staring back at you. Every dog owner or dog lover knows those puppy-dog-eyes all too well. Puppy dog eyes, which are full of emotion and admiration (and sometimes desire), may just get your dog a treat or some extra love.

But we all know that in order to keep their beautiful eyes happy and healthy, we, as their owners need to take care of them on a regular basis. Just like humans, dogs can suffer bacterial or viral infections. The surface of the eye can also be damaged by foreign objects, particularly if they enjoy rolling around and running through the undergrowth while out walking.

Some breeds of dog are more prone to eye problems than others, and if you have a breed of dog with long hair this can also cause irritation if the hair isn’t kept trimmed and away from their eyes. 

So, for daily eye care, WildWash have created an Eye Cleanser for Dogs which contains Organic Aloe Vera for its cleansing and anti-bacterial properties, Chamomile to cleanse and brighten and Cucumber to calm, hydrate, refresh and cool. Also, their Daily Eye Cleanser is safe for use on even the most sensitive eyes.

Daily Eye Cleanser for Dogs

Lots of dogs also get tear stains, but they often go unnoticed until they become a problem. In the beginning, tear stains may just look like a small area of damp fur under the eyes but can build up over time to cause irritating and unsightly stains on the fur. Whether you just noticed your dog’s tear stains or it’s a recurring problem that you’re still trying to combat, we recommend the WildWash Tear Stain Remover.

WildWash have created a gentle but effective Tear Stain Remover for Dogs. Using Organic Aloe Vera, a natural cleansing agent to flush out impurities and exfoliate, and both Chamomile and Hero ingredient Gardenia Florida, used for centuries as natural skin lighteners, our Tear Stain Remover will gently and effectively remove Tear Stains. This product will gradually diminish the tear stain and stop further tear stain building up. With constant use over a 4 to 6 month period you will see great results.


Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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