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How To Calm Your Dog During Bonfire Night / Fireworks


Are you wondering how you can calm a dog during the bonfire night show of fireworks?

As Bonfire Night (5 November) approaches, Brits can expect to hear booms of fireworks ring out throughout the evening as the sky is lit up by colourful displays.

But many dog owners dread this time of year, as the loud noises and bright flashes of fireworks can leave their pets terrified.

Despite this, November 5 is still marked with big displays across the UK, and dog owners will need to prepare their pups for the event.

Here are some of the ways that you can calm a dog during Bonfire Night:

1.     Take your pet for a walk in the daytime

Dogs Trust recommends taking your dog for their last walk of the day before it gets dark. To help settle your pet and take them away from the bulk of the noise as much as possible, make sure to walk them in the daytime before any of the fireworks or bonfires begin.

Letting your dog run off some steam in the day might also help keeping them a bit calmer in the evening, as leaving them inside all day can cause them further distress.

2.    Create a ‘safe place’ inside your home for your dog to hide from fireworks
safe place to calm a dog during bonfire night

A table draped with a blanket is a great retreat, or if your dog is used to being in a crate, cover it and leave it open with blankets inside. Don’t lock your dog in the crate, as this can be even more stressful for them. Give your dog options so they can choose where to hide.

Shutting your windows, drawing the curtains, and staying in one room with your dog might help them stay calm during the fireworks displays.

3.     Keep their water bowl full and treats handy

It’s important that you give your dog plenty of water if you’re expecting fireworks. This is because their body heat rises as they become anxious when hearing (and seeing) the displays. You will also almost certainly notice your dog panting as they get stressed out; giving them water to drink helps maintain calmness as well as hydration levels.

In addition, be prepared with some delicious calming dog treats for your dog. These delightful nibbles are button shaped and provide the ultimate dog calming treat every time he feels stressed or anxious. 

Nibbles: Calming Dog Treats
4.     Use Ylang Ylang Therapy

Before the show starts, it may be useful to light up a WildWash Candle Fragrance No.1 with Ylang Ylang and Magnolia. Apart from the fact that the Ylang Ylang & Magnolia scented candle can disguise dog odors in the house, it can also help your pooch get calmer and more relaxed until the fireworks show is over. That is because Ylang Ylang has been shown in different studies to soothe stress, anxiety, sadness, tension, and sleeplessness. 

WildWash Candle Fragrance No.1 with Ylang Ylang

Another way to prevent your dogs from becoming anxious on this evening is to pamper them with a relaxing bath, using the WildWash Pro Fragrance No. 1 Shampoo with Ylang Ylang.

WildWash Pro Fragrance No. 1 Shampoo with Ylang Ylang

Our Fragrance No.1 Shampoo For Dogs contains Ylang Ylang which is renowned not only for its beautiful aroma, but also for its soothing and calming qualities. Our revolutionary blend of ingredients also includes Neem Oil, Aloe Vera and Sea Kelp which help nourish the coat and soothe and the skin.

Calming Perfume Fragrance No. 1 for Dogs

Our WildWash Calming Perfume Fragrance No.1 for Dogs uses Ylang Ylang which has a luscious sweet lemony scent, both fresh and floral that is light and revitalising. This perfume can be used to keep the skin and coat hydrated and smelling delicious and the essential oils will help to calm and relax your pet if they are feeling anxious. Perfect to use on your dog prior and on Bonfire Night to keep them calm. Can also be used on their bedding for maximum effect.


5.     Show them you’re not bothered

Animals are highly perceptive and will notice if you’re behaving unusually. Following your dog around or being overly affectionate may cause them to feel nervous or confused. If your dog can see that fireworks have no effect on you, this may help ease their anxiety.

6.     Do not leave your dog alone

If you want to go out, get a friend who knows your dog well to come and sit with him, so he’s not left alone to try to cope by himself.

The more you can do to keep your dog calm and comfortable, the better.

7.      Mask the sound of the fireworks 

The sudden bang of fireworks can be masked by keeping a radio or TV on, which can reduce the impact noises may have on your pet.

Classical music will help to calm dogs in general, and music with quite a h4 bass will be ideal for masking bangs when played at a volume that your dog is happy with.

8.     Make sure that your dogs are microchipped and that their microchip details are up to date

In the worst-case scenario, any dog that does get out or run away from home while fireworks are going off can be reunited with its owner much more easily if it has been microchipped.


READ NEXT: The Quickest Way to Dry Your Dog

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