Choose Free Gift on Purchase of £60 or More Free Shipping on Orders over £40 Buy Now, Pay Later with PayPal Pay in 3 New Spa Products for Ears, Eyes and Faces

Choose Free Gift on Purchase of £60 or More Free Shipping on Orders over £40 Check out our new human range New Spa Products for Ears, Eyes and Faces

Due to Popular Demand…….

WW flea and bug repellent popular

Our award winning Flea and Bug Repellent has been so popular that we have now brought it out in a 5ltr size. This means that it works out very cost effective to use, and those pesky bugs will have to go knocking somewhere else!!

We have also introduced a great Spray bottle to decant the 5ltr bottle into for easy use. This award winning spray bottle sprays in virtual silence and can be used upside down as effectively as the correct way up. It also can deliver one quick spray or a continuous 3 second spray. It will help you use our 5ltr Flea and Bug Repellent, our 5ltr Detangle and very soon we will be introducing our Fragrances in 5ltr sizes too.

Flea and Bug Repellent 5ltr

Spray bottle 500ml

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