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Debunking Flea and Tick Myths for Your Pup!


Misinformation can cloud judgment and lead to ineffective protection for your beloved pets. That’s why we’re here to debunk some of the most common myths surrounding fleas and ticks. Our goal is to provide you with accurate, actionable knowledge so you can confidently safeguard your pets from these persistent pests.

Join us as we uncover the truth behind flea and tick prevention. Armed with the right information and our expert insights, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions and ensure the well-being of your furry companions. Let’s separate fact from fiction and take proactive steps towards protecting your pets effectively.


Myth 1: Fleas and Ticks Only Bother Pets in Summer

Many people commonly believe that fleas and ticks are only a summer problem, as they associate their activity with warm weather. However, these pests are resilient and adaptable, thriving in a range of conditions. In regions like the UK, where April weather can be highly unpredictable, these pests can remain active throughout the year. Even within the confines of a climate-controlled home, fleas and ticks can find ideal conditions to multiply and survive.

Therefore, it is essential to maintain consistent preventive measures against these pests, irrespective of the season or weather conditions. By adopting year-round strategies to control and repel fleas and ticks, you can effectively safeguard your home and pets from potential infestations and associated health risks.


Myth 2: Indoor Pets are Immune to Fleas and Ticks

Many believe that indoor pets are safe from flea and tick infestations. However, these pests can sneak indoors through different avenues, hitchhiking on clothing or other pets that venture outside. Moreover, ticks can be brought indoors on shoes or clothing. Regular preventive measures are essential for both indoor and outdoor pets to ensure they stay protected.


Myth 3: Fleas and Ticks are Harmless Pests

Fleas and ticks aren’t merely bothersome; they pose significant health risks to your pets. Fleas can cause severe skin allergies, transmit tapeworms, and lead to anaemia, especially in young or small animals. Ticks can transmit diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Prompt prevention and removal are vital for your pet’s well-being.


Myth 4: All Flea and Tick Prevention Products are the Same

Choosing the right flea and tick prevention for your pet is crucial. While many products are available, not all are equally effective or safe. Over-the-counter treatments can be inadequate and even harmful to pets. Shampoos labelled for flea and tick control offer only temporary relief and may irritate your pet’s skin.

For a safe and effective solution, try the WildWash Flea and Bug Repellent. Our natural formula is a bestseller every pest season, providing protection without harsh chemicals.

For our WildWash Flea and Bug Repellent for Dogs we have chosen ingredients from four continents that have been selected as the most effective insect repelling botanicals in their country of origin. By combining these together, WildWash has created an effective natural Flea and Bug Repellent for dogs. The revolutionary blend of plants and herbs uses ingredients such as Lavender and Peppermint which work together to help deter fleas, flies, mites and ticks.

Myth 5: Human Flea and Tick Products are Safe for Pets

Using human products on pets is dangerous. Chemicals in these products can be toxic and cause adverse reactions. Always use products designed specifically for pets and follow recommended dosage and application guidelines.


Myth 6: Removing Ticks with Tweezers is Sufficient

While tweezers are commonly used for do-it-yourself tick removal, it’s important to be cautious as improper techniques can lead to complications. Inadequate removal of a tick, such as leaving parts of it embedded in the skin, can significantly increase the risk of infection and other health issues for your pet. To ensure safe and effective tick removal, it’s advisable to seek guidance from your veterinarian. They can provide you with the proper tools and techniques for removing ticks safely without risking further complications or health concerns for your pet.


Myth 7: Ticks spread disease immediately upon biting a dog

Ticks can harbour and transmit various disease-causing organisms (pathogens), including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins. Fortunately, not all ticks carry infections, and most tick bites do not lead to disease.

The duration needed for disease-causing organisms to be transmitted to a host varies among ticks and pathogens. Some bacteria can be transmitted within three to six hours of a tick attaching, while others require more than 24 hours before transmission occurs.

Since it’s impossible to determine if a tick is infected, prompt removal is vital to prevent the transfer of pathogens from ticks to dogs. Additionally, consult your veterinarian to determine which tick control product is suitable for your dog.

As responsible pet owners, it’s essential to be well-informed about flea and tick prevention and debunk common myths. Taking preventive measures, seeking advice from your vet, and using reliable products are key to keeping your pets safe and healthy. Stay proactive and informed to ensure your pets enjoy a happy, tick and flea-free life by your side.

Groom your pet at home

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