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Coat Care Guide for Short Haired Dogs

coat care guide for short haired dogs

Whilst we sometimes think that dogs with a short coat require little or no grooming, this is not the case, as anyone with a heavily moulting Labrador, Frenchie or similar will tell you!

Dogs with short hair shed a lot.  This is often seasonal, as they shed their thicker Winter coat for their Summer one, but in our experience, it is pretty constant and sudden changes in the weather often lead to moulting stopping, then starting again with a vengeance!

To help save your sofas, use either a rubber mitt or a rubber brush on a daily basis (or as often as you have time for) and ideally brush your doggie outside rather than inside the house. 

rubber grooming mit
WildWash Rubber Grooming Kit

You will find that all the loose hairs will stick to the brush which can then be easily cleaned off.

Always remove as much loose hair as possible before a bath.  The best Shampoo for moulting short haired dogs is our PRO Deshedding Shampoo Fragrance No.2. This contains Bergamot which is great for coat condition and encouraging the new hair growth. 

Should however, your doggie had rolled in something nasty and that is the reason for the bath, then use our PRO Shampoo for Deep Cleaning and Deodorising or our PET Stinky Dog Shampoo instead – both of these are great at getting rid of the smell of fox poo or similar!

If your dog has any skin conditions or super sensitive skin then always use either our PRO Shampoo for Sensitive Coats or our Super Sensitive Shampoo from our PET Range.

Short haired coats do not usually need conditioning but if you want to add a conditioner then either our PRO Conditioner or our PET Conditioner are both fine.

Our WildWash Microfibre Pet Towel will make drying your dog much quicker as it will hold far more water than a regular towel and itself will also dry quickly.

If you wish, you can then finish by giving a spray of one of our coat conditioning Perfumes or Spritzes and these are also good to use between baths.


1. Thoroughly brush your dog with a rubber mitt or brush to remove loose hair and debris.

2. Wet coat thoroughly with just warm water.

3. Apply shampoo according to directions.

4. Rinse well.

5. For very dirty coats or Fox Poo Situations, Repeat!

6. Dry as much as possible with towel then leave to air dry in a warm place.

Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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