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Coat Care Guide for Puppies

Puppies Coat Care Guide

Puppies – Long Haired, Short Haired and everything in between!

When you get your new puppy home, you will probably notice that he or she has a very strong ‘puppy smell.’  Mum stops cleaning up after her puppies once they are weaned and they will be crawling all over each other wee-ing and poo-ing as they go! 

Some breeders will bath their puppies before they go to their new homes, but most don’t, so after a day or two settling in, you will want to give your puppy their first bath.  This is an important milestone for many reasons and not just for hygiene purposes! 

It is important to get your pup used to being brushed and bathed as early as possible and then they will always accept this is a normal procedure when they get older too!  I always advise owners to clean the eyes, the ears, and ‘fiddle’ with the paws (even if you are not intending to cut the nails)  just to get puppy used to being handled in this way.

Collect everything you need together before you start – puppies are usually wrigglers when being bathed, so have everything to hand.  You will need either a rubber brush or rubber mitt for a short haired dog and a slicker and comb for longer or curly hair, cotton balls, ear and eye cleanser, the shampoo and conditioner (if using) and a towel.

Brush through the coat gently, rewarding with treats if you like, and generally making it a fun experience.  Clean the eyes and ears gently with our Daily Eye and Ear Cleansers using a fresh cotton wool ball for each ear and eye and then set out your shampoo. 

We recommend using either our PRO Sensitive Shampoo or our Puppy Love Shampoo in the PET Range. 

Both these shampoos are especially made for puppies sensitive skins and can be used as often as wished without drying out the skin and coat.

Small puppies can be popped into the sink, wet all over gently with just warm water and then shampooed and rinsed in the normal way.  Larger puppies can be bathed in either the bath or shower. 

Once rinsed, have a nice big warm towel ready to wrap them in.  Our own Microfibre Towel will absorb loads of moisture.  If you do want to dry the coat then you can use your own hair dryer on a very low setting, taking care not to blow directly down the ears and holding the dryer at least 8 inches away.

With long haired or curly coated puppies, keep up the brushing on a daily basis – 5 minutes per day is far better than 30 minutes once and week, so if you can fit this in to puppy’s routine it will keep the coat in good condition and free from knots and tangles.


1. Thoroughly brush your dog and then comb through the coat to remove any tangles on long haired or curly coated dogs.

2. Wet coat thoroughly with just warm water.

3. Apply shampoo according to directions.

4. Rinse well and repeat steps 3 and 4 if the coat is very dirty.

5. Apply one of our WildWash Conditioners if liked and rinse off well.

6. Pat dry with towel and then gently blow dry on a low heat, gently combing through the coat if your puppy has long or curly hair.

Groom your pet at home

If you'd like to see tips and techniques on how to groom your pooch at home, visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

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