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The Amazing Blog


We were very excited when we received a call from The Amazing Blog asking to review our products!


At WildWash we love love love to hear back from our customers. I thought I’d share a couple of testimonials we received back this week from clients.

A Wonderful Review From Dog World

Dog World Mag UK

We have just purchased a copy of Dog World and were very pleased to see a lovely informative review from the wonderful Geraldine Cove-Print on WildWash.

A Week of Press for WildWash

WildWash has been in the press lately all over the world! We are so excited that word has spread about our gorgeous products and was very pleased to see this!

Mrs Sizzle

We met Mrs Sizzle AKA Suzanne Donaldson through our instagram account (definitely worth following). We then logged on to her amazing blog about animals, photography, fashion, products and rescue. […]

WildWash in Korea

Wild Wash featured on MBC Korea

Our WildWash products were featured on MBC Today’s Morning Show in Korea. Read more!

Wild In Experience Yet Tamed For Hands

Before and After Experience Using WildWash Pet Shampoo Line

At WildWash we are used to getting lovely testimonials from our clients, but this one made us especially happy. So, we thought we would share it with you.

WildWash Healing Paw Balm Testimonal

Our latest product WildWash Healing Paw Balm has been causing quite a stir! A groomer from Cornwall sent us these pics of a before and after using our paw balm.

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