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A Wonderful Testimonial For Our Sensitive Shampoo

wildwash professional series for sensitive dog shampoo award winner

Chandi, an Alaskan Malamute has been coming to our grooming salon for the past two years. She has suffered from excessive hair loss, resulting in bald patches, itching and sore red skin. Her owner would always bring her own shampoo, Malaseb, which her vet had prescribed for Chandi’s skin condition. Recently her condition deteriorated, to the extent that her skin was so dry and cracked that it just opened up as we touched it. She was covered in red, sore, weeping lesions and was in such pain a few weeks ago at her grooming session a few weeks ago that she became uncharacteristically aggressive, to the extent we thought we would no longer be able to groom her.

We believed that the Malaseb was actually exacerbating her condition and drying up her already fragile skin to the extent that it was breaking down. We asked Chandi’s owner, if she would cease using the Maleseb for a few weeks and we agreed we would use WildWash Sensitive on her skin. The improvement was almost immediate. We saw Chandi two weeks after her first bath with WildWash Sensitive. The red lesions had healed and the fur had started to grow back. We saw her again last week and well, she was a different dog! The fur had grown some more, and was starting to look more even as the previous bald patched were filling in, her skin was elastic again and there was no soreness or redness. She was happy to be groomed and her owner was ecstatic. She is going to talk to her vet about WildWash and hopefully persuade them to recommend WildWash Sensitive to dogs with allergies, poor skin conditions, redness, soreness, dryness and cracking instead of prescribing Maleseb which is designed to treat bacterial, fungal and yeast infections. Thank you WildWash!.

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One Response

  1. People in my area are not aware that shampoos that grow your hair faster and longer (obviously with no sulfates, no parabens or DEA) are a thing. Individuals are now able to achieve longer hair and achieve more alternatives. For sure worth exploring.

    Whether you’re going over alopecia, damaged hair, preventing scalp disorders, hair growth, hair and scalp health in general, almost the same rules actualize.

    In general, you will want to stay away from hair products and treatments that contain chemicals such as parabens, DEA and sulfates.

    What’s beneficial for your hair is good for your skin also.

    Obviously your content above hits the nail in the head for various reasons. It avoids the accustomed pitfalls and errors most fall into: purchasing bad alternatives. Keep it up!

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