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A Week Of Testimonials

WildWash on Facebook

We always love to hear from our clients and this week has been a particularly great week for wonderful testimonials so we thought we would share them with you:

Steph Cater-Testimonial

Steph Cater – Dog Owner
After nearly 3 years, loads of ££ and lots of products I’d like to post this comment:
hi, without getting overly excited (much!) order of the sensitive shampoo arrived Monday and my itchy little dog has had 3 baths since then (starting as soon as it arrived) and *touching wood*, the improvement is MASSIVE! His scabby areas have cleared up (where he had drawn blood with the itching) and in 5 days have only caught him scratching twice! No more nibbling, no more being woken up as he scratches next door and his coat is lovely. THANK YOU!!!!



Caroline Rossiter – Professional Groomer
I’ve tried a couple of your shampoos and they are all fantastic. I’ve just tried the lighter coat shampoo on my standard poodle who loves mud and he is gleaming. Love your products.



Cheryl Humphreys – Professional Groomer
We love wildwash in the salon. One of my favourite shampoos to date. The customers love the long lasting smell and I love working with a product that is quality. The shampoos are great on bad skins and itchy dry coats. Show coated dogs have a lift in the coat with no chemicals to weigh it down. I love the perfumes and the candle went down well too. I just love using a product that is safe and kind. My hands love it the most! After suffering years with itchy dermatitis I can honestly say my hands are finally healing. Thank you.

We received these all on our Facebook page. We post lots of news on our Facebook and it’s a great way to keep in touch with our customers. It’s also a great forum to ask for advice too. So whatever your reason, if you use Facebook, follow us, we’d love to hear from you.

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