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A Testimonial Gone To The Dogs

Meet a WildWash Fan - Flora the Akita

We are very honoured to have Flora as a WildWash customer and were overwhelmed with the lovely testimonial from her owner Robert Stuhldreer. So much so that we had to share it!!! She was one of the most gorgeous dogs we have ever met and it comes as no surprise to us that she has won so many awards.


The condition of my Akita Flora’s coat is really very important. Not only do I want her looking the very best she can but as:

•A top winning show dog

•Canine World Dog of the Year

•Britain’s Next Dog Model

•Winner of SuperDogs Live

•An Ambassador for the Akita Association at high profile national events

I need her coat not just to look good but to look immaculate.

The condition of her coat is vital at the moment as she is making a film with X-Men star Michael Fassbender and Harry Potter star Brendan Gleeson.

I have obviously tried several top products for her coat. On Sunday I purchased a WildWash shampoo and conditioner at The Mayhew Animal Home’s charity event. I used them on Flora for the first time today and the results were absolutely incredible. The look and feel of her coat are now amazing. The improvement really was instantaneous. I couldn’t be happier.

Flora the famous Akita dog  Flora the famous Akita dog 2  Flora the famous Akita dog 3

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