We are really pleased to be working with at an amazing event in Korea in the Patagonia Stores. They chose to work with WildWash as WildWash do no animal testing, use no chemicals and care about animals, families and the environment we live in. There will be three events, exhibiting and selling WildWash, dog training seminars and a photo session for dogs. Patagonia will give WildWash to their customers for trialling and in June will collect empty bottles from the event, so that they can recycle them into their products. It’s a wonderful eco project, one of which we are super happy to be a part of. For more information visit: www.patagonia.co.kr
Korea is a very creative and innovative country and we are working closely with them on a number of new projects. We were introduced to an amazing artist Koby Art who has created an awesome portrait of our gorgeous dog, Pepper, so watch this space as we will be coming up with some great imagery together in the future.
We have also partnered with Saturn Bath Company who have created a very luxurious dog bath. We hope they introduce them in the UK.
We are also the first Pet Shampoo to be sold in the Olive Young Stores. WildWash was chosen after WilWash and our partner won a presentation competition over 45 competitors including big pet product distributors and all pet shampoos (John Paul Pet, Pet Head and etc) in Korea. So it is a brilliant achievement for our Brand. The Olive Young Stores are a perfect fit for WildWash and we hope they do really well there. For more information visit: www.oliveyoungshop.com